1986 Ford Mustang SVO-ND Part Deux
Alright, the part you have been waiting for....errrr...well,
almost. I don't have it running yet. In fact, the engine isn't
in the car yet. It will be this week, and I'll update this with
new pics. First firing is still at least a month off, as I don't
have all the parts in hand yet. I bolted the head on the engine,
and then hung pulleys, manifolds, turbocharger, and other small
parts to get a view of what this will look like when complete.
It also helped me identify a bunch of missing hardware. This
prompted a quick call to Chris Roth (caroth), who has helped
me so much with some of the small hardware I needed to finish
this. Well, here you go!

Oh YEAH!!!
Goto the next page to see this in the car!
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